If it is not approved by emergency decree, a 20% increase in electricity prices is foreseen with the start of the new year in Araba, Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa and Navarra. Indeed, as of today, the restrictions are applied in both electricity taxes, but the duration of the measure will expire on 31 December.
Electricity VAT is currently 5%, but in the absence of exceptional measures historically it is 21%. Currently, the so-called electricity tax stands at 0.5%, but can rise to 5.11%.
Since June 2021 in exceptional cases
The savage increase in electricity prices is not news this morning. The Spanish Government recently took the first steps in June 2021. On this occasion, the VAT rate fell from 21% to 10% for all those with a contract equal to or less than 10kw. Then, in June 2022, it reduced that 10% to 5%, while the percentage of electricity tax went from 5.11% to 0.5%.
Three. A few years ago, Iberdrola commissioned us to replace the analogue meter with a digital one. Workers were sent home from time to time without notice. We doubted those unusual interests and issues that forced us to change the counter and that the counter in the house... [+]
Azken hilabeteotan Iberiar Penintsulako handizkako merkatuan argindarraren prezioa etengabe ari da gora egiten. Urriaren 5ean, historian lehen aldiz, orduko megawattak (MWh) 200 euroko langa gainditu zuen, eta ordutik muga horren gainetik dago prezioa. Zer dela eta aldatzen da... [+]