The exam will be held on Tuesday, December 12 at 10:30 a.m. at the following locations:
At the headquarters of ARGIA, in Lasarte-Oria, Paseo del Circuito, hall 15 of the polygon.
Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication of the Leioa Campus of the UPV / EHU, Aula 20.
If you have to come, send an e-mail indicating which of the two places you would prefer to take the test before December 10. Please bring the resume to the exam.
Practices can be carried out in three phases:
- From 1 February 2024 to 31 May 2024.
- From 1 June 2024 to 31 August 2024.
- From 1 October 2024 to 31 January 2025.
The day shall be four paid hours. The tasks will be social media management and writing and journalism for our website and paper.
This is a call for students of the 3rd and 4th year of Journalism, Audiovisual Communication and Humanities and Communication from the UPV/EHU. Enrollment in the university will be mandatory during the development of the internships.
Learn about the ARGIA independent communication project.
Vietnam, February 7, 1965. The U.S. Air Force first used napalma against the civilian population. It was not the first time that gelatinous gasoline was used. It began to be launched with bombs during World War II and, in Vietnam itself, it was used during the Indochina War in... [+]
Hirietako egunerokoa interesatzen zaio Sarah Babiker kazetariari; ez, ordea, postaletako irudia, baizik eta auzoetan, parkeetan, eskoletan, garatzen den bizitza; bertan dabilen jendea. Lurralde horretan kokatzen dira bere artikuluak, baita iaz argitaratu zituen bi lanak ere... [+]
The other day, as I was walking through the famous television series The Wire, there came a scene that reminded me of despair. There, the management of the newspaper The Baltimore Sun brought together the workers and alerted them to the changes that are coming, i.e. redundancies... [+]