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Argia Awards 2025: Propose your candidates

  • On 31 January we will meet at the Atxega Palace in Usurbil to deliver the Argia Awards. The ARGIA working group is preparing a list of potential winners. However, the readers' proposals are received each year with open arms.

2024ko Argia Sarietako irabazleak Usurbilgo Atxega jauregian. Dani Blanco / ARGIA CC BY-SA

14 October 2024 - 06:30

A large ARGIA team is working on finding the candidates that would deserve the prize, both workers and dozens of collaborators. However, all contributions will be welcome and, like every year, we ask the whole community to seek the best candidates.

What are we going to give the prize to?

We reward journalism and communication in Basque in the following categories: press, audiovisual, audiovisual, Internet and promotional action. On several occasions, we also give the Merit Award to people, jobs or projects outstanding in Basque culture or in Basque society. Concrete works, essays, sections, media, people, projects can be rewarded…

Tell us who or what you would reward and why. The previous prizes can be seen in the Argia Sariak channel.

Please send candidates to

You are interested in the channel: ARGIA Sariak
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