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ARGIA at the Durango Fair: What, when and where?

  • Jakoba Errekondo and Garbiñe Larrea will be on the program, and the authors of the book Haziak will also be attended by Juan Mari Arzak. ARGIA will also show the book Superpodereak hezkuntza, the comic book Abentura erraldoia... and, of course, ARGIA will also put Inor ez da ilegala polyte. Another novelty of this year is the physical store in front of the church of Andra Mari.
Artxiboko irudian, Jakoba Errekondo azalpenak ematen. Dani Blanco - ARGIA Fototeka

02 December 2024 - 08:00
Last updated: 09:07
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The organization of the Durango Fair made an appeal to go to the fair on October 16, at the presentation ceremony of this year's edition. That is the motto: Receive DA! In other words, the reception of culture is a “way to turn around” society. This is what Beñat Gaztelurrutia, coordinator of the Durango Fair said: the culture that is collected in Basque, helps to live in Basque and in a stronger Basque country.

The 59th edition of the Durango Fair will be held between 5 and 8 December. Like every year, there will be LIGHT.


In the same place in recent years, the posts of ARGIA and Bizi Baratzea will be at Artekale 18-23. That is to say, in the centre of the rural area. From anywhere you can easily see the bamboos of the Living Garden. In these six positions will be the authors of all the products published by ARGIA this year, as well as the ARGIA team, also represented with the Community area.

In addition, around the environment created around the Durango Fair, as in previous years, a position will be placed at the door of the church of Santa Maria. No one's space is illegal is going to be the main one.

But this year there's another novelty, not the smallest. The presence of GIA in Durango will be even greater, as it will have a third space. And it will open a physical store in front of the church of Andra Mari, where they will teach and sell all the products of ARGIA, especially those of the motto Inor ez da ilegala.


In general, the three ARGIA areas will be differentiated as follows: Inside the camp there will be clothing and other products; in the court of the church there will be costumes of Inor ez ilegala; and in the ARGIA store all the products, including earth defence clothing.


In the fall two of the most significant publications of the year by Bizi Baratze have seen the light. The first one was about seeds, seeds. Why and how to do yours, written by Miguel Arribas Kelo and Marc Badal. They have given instructions to sow seeds of some 60 species in our orchards and have analyzed the issue with a political perspective; as reporter Estitxu Eizagirre told in this report, "there are eleven cases at stake in each seed."

Later, the team of Bizi Baratzea and Garbiñe Larrea have sown the book Cosmetics sendabelarrak, with the beautiful photographs of Ibai Arrieta and illustrations of Maitane Gartziandia. Larrea has explained 67 formulas he has developed and tested in the courses he has taught over the years. First of all: the book is not just for some bodies; whether or not it is bearded, whether or not it is coquette... If you shower, it's also for you.

In early November, the book of stories that has shocked many boys and girls was also presented: A great adventure. Let's save the kalejira. Adur Larrea has produced the illustrations and Gorka Bereziartua has made the story. The festivities of the town of Alajaineta are already coming, but this year nobody can dance to the giants on the street... Ah! What to do? ! The boys and girls of this fictional town will try to solve this problem. They've created this funny story, because as Bereziartua said, it's about encouraging kids to read, especially because reading has to be a pleasure.

The latest news, a legendary book that comes hot from the printing press at the end of November, and that makes us reflect: Superpowers. 10 steps on the path of school transformation. Written by Koldo Rabadan, he has a second essay book, after Bidean. After this first work, he has taught several seminars in many educational centers and, after the tiredness and pessimism of the cloister, he has written a book that can be stimulating for teachers, with a fresh and sometimes humorous writing. He looked at the children in the book. “Fortunately, children don’t have adults within them, if not, they would be brought down to reality.”

And of course, in addition to these new ARGIA books, next year's calendars and agendas will be on sale: Agenda of the Moon and Plants, lunar calendar and taco and support of the calendar of beech wood ephemerides. The book Rumarrean published last year and its author Josebe Blanco will also be in Durango, A Horse in an Escape Field, Precarious Planet, Txori urdinak, Ño! Our hero... Also in the area of children's games: Charloteo, Jarioka, OTU and Xapoketan.


The motto "nobody is illegal" has a great presence in the Durango Fair, where the International Day of the Basque Country is celebrated. In the atrium of the church of Andra Mari and in the ARGIA shop opposite you will find t-shirts, bags and jerseys with this cry. With the purchase of one of them will be provided, as usual, to the Mbolo Moye Doole association of Bilbao, an association of street vendors of Senegalese origin. There is a novelty this year in jerseys: the yellow curry colour has been introduced.

In addition, t-shirts with the slogan "Lurra", which aims to call the people, can also be purchased in Durango. Buying one of these two models will also contribute to the agro-ecological movement of the Basque Country.


Jakoba Errekondo and Garbiñe Larrea will be at the Landako stands every day, both in the morning and in the afternoon. The rest, on specific days: the authors of the book of seeds on Friday and Saturday; those of the book of giants on Thursday and Saturday; the children's games on Friday and Saturday; and Koldo Rabada, who brought out the book of education, on Saturday. Those of the Mbolo Moye Doole association, for their part, will be on a daily basis in the Anteiglesia area.

Book presentation times shall be as follows:

Thursday, 5 December.
15:15, Saguganbara: A giant adventure with Adur Larrea and Gorka Bereziartua.

Friday, 6 December.
17:00 Durango Museum: The Moon and Plants agenda 2025 with Jakoba Errekondo and Antton Olariaga.
17:30 hours, Durango Museum: Seeds with Miguel Arribas Kelo and Marc Badal.

Saturday, 7 December.
At 17:00, in the Talaia Hall of Acts: Cosmetics with medicinal herbs, with Garbiñe Larrea.
At 17:30 in the Atalaya Hall of Acts: Lunar calendar 2025 with Jakoba Errekondo.
At 18:00, in the Hall of Acts of the Watchtower: Superpowers with Koldo Rabadam.

Here you have the plan and the full program of the Durango Fair.


Beyond the installation of points of sale, ARGIA will perform a daily follow-up in the 59th edition of Durango. To the fair. There will be journalist Gorka Peñagarikano. Instead of making daily chronicles, this year will create a fictional story that will be placed in the immediate vicinity of the fair. It will consist of four sections, one per day, which will be published at the close of the fair.

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