In the 21st century the Basque Country is not yet official in the following three areas of the Basque Country: in Iparralde, in the centre of Navarre and in the county of Treviño. This has direct consequences for citizenship. To the daily difficulties to express oneself in Basque versus Spanish or French, in these areas everything entails the lack of institutional recognition.
Those who decide to learn Euskera deserve the maximum impulse of Euskaldunes. It is urgent that Euskera's learning be free, but at the moment it is not, and the Basque students know better than anyone what they do to start learning Euskera. We think it is very important that this issue should put popular pressure on the institutions to change their place. Here is our granite of sand, with the intention of influencing from a young age.
For Basque students in areas where Basque is not official: Would you like to receive our magazine for free at home? Do you think you will read it or help Euskaldunize? If yes, we will send you free or a kit for at least one year. If you wish, weekly, fortnightly or monthly, we will send you as you wish.
In these accelerated times we live, we suggest you receive a quiet reading magazine at home. We want to be a tool to inform and help you live in Euskera about the events we consider important, a space to practice euskera.Por that, we want to make a material contribution in your house by introducing the Euskera physically, so we suggest you receive the weekly on paper.
We also have a digital journal to receive in e-mail and other offers.
We see with concern that the Basque Country is in a situation of impasse and we want to put it on our side to move forward as a people. With this specific campaign, we want the people who are learning Euskera in areas that are not official, to feel the momentum of ARGIA, as we feel of thousands of Euskaltzales of Euskal Herria that provide us economically in our day to day.
When ARGIA ends the year with profits, multinationals, banks or other gentlemen do not come to collect dividends. We invest the result in the project to further strengthen it, and we make these kinds of decisions despite going against market laws. We have already done so with other groups – unemployed subscribers, prisoners, hotel owners…. That is why we say, from solidarity, that the community stands here, and now, if we can help us learn Basque from hundreds of people, we will be very happy.
So if you're a student and you estimate the journal, encourage us to accept our offer. All you have to do is write an email before November 30 to introduce you (tell us who you are, where you are learning Basque, how many years you have been, what your relationship with the Basque, if you are going to read our magazine, etc. ), especially for you to know yourself.
If you look with good eyes at these kinds of initiatives and like the work we do in ARGIA, we strongly suggest that you do ARGIA. You can provide whatever you want, and as you can see, thanks to all the contributions we get to more and more people. Enter here.
We say goodbye. Receive a cordial greeting from all of us who do ARGIA, and these days, like all year round, keep the Basque.
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