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Photo Gallery 8 of March

  • Below is a selection of photos taken by ARGIA photographer Dani Blanco.

09 March 2020 - 10:07
Donostian, arratsaldeko manifestazioa.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.


You are interested in the channel: M8 greba feminista
Uma Ulacia
"Surveillance has to have a negative connotation and generate a political conflict"
“Heterosexuality is collaboration with the antagonistic class, that is, with the class of men.” Uma Ulacia, a feminist strike from Euskal Herria, has just published the discourse analysis from materialistic feminism (Lisipe, 2024). He has analyzed in depth the two feminist... [+]

Feminist strike in Iparralde
Unions and feminist groups in the continental Basque Country have joined a feminist strike in the French state. The strike focuses on paid work, care and consumption.

Let's organize to fill the streets.

After a month, the feminists will take to the streets the day of working women. We have an annual appointment that we have organised and prepared enthusiastically every year. Last week we looked back at the Portugalete Assembly, remembering the feminist strikes of 2018 and... [+]

Lies, frauds and manipulations in the Civil Guard report on the 8M demonstration
The Civil Guard included false information and statements manipulated in the report on the 8M demonstration to accuse the Government of Spain of the spread of the pandemic by allowing the demonstration. This report has led to the indictment of Moncloa’s delegate in the... [+]

2020-03-09 | Zuriñe Rodriguez
Money laundering from Vitoria
"We're going very fast," "but we're getting stuck," one woman told another on Olaguibel Street in Vitoria-Gasteiz, right at the Ertzaintza police station. It was about 12:30 hours. At the same time, in the same place, "Long live the feminist struggle!" They heard screaming. Yesterday... [+]

Martxoak 8
Greba deitu zein ez, borrokarako eguna

Azken urteetan mobilizaziorako gaitasunari dagokionez nabarmendu den mugimendurik bada, feminista da horietako bat. Bi urtez segidan, greba tresnatzat, martxoaren 8 arrakastatsuak burutu ditu; kapitalaren logikari bizitzarena gainjartzea exijitzeko, milaka emakumek lan orori... [+]

2019-06-03 | Erran .eus
Two militants who joined the Leitzalde feminist strike on 8 March received a fine of €600
The two people who took part in the March 8 feminist strike in Leitzaldea received a fine of EUR 600 each. ‘In the early morning concentration of the day of mobilisation, the population is accused of disturbing, disrupting road vehicles and endangering drivers and their... [+]

Collision against purple bleaching

On February 2, 2018, the kazkaba through the streets of Donostia-San Sebastián with a loud noise. The Euskal Herria Feminist Movement calls for a feminist strike on March 8. This was a recognition of the struggle of the cigarreros of Tabakalera: dozens of women*, witnesses of... [+]

The purple thread of strikes

In studying economics, I've never seen the concept of strike, even though the link between them is very straightforward. The reason is obvious: economic power defines what the economy is. In the strike of women the invisibility is double, because the analysis is done with the... [+]

Kapitalismo morerik ez, eskerrik asko

Ikusi dugu lehenago. Ekologismoa da adibide paradigmatikoa. Halaber, pink washing-a edo gaypitalismoa. Merkatuak gure borrokak irentsi, digeritu eta gorotz moduan produktu kapitalista bat iraizten digu, salmentarako prest, sistemari funtzionala egiten zaiona.
Hedabideek... [+]

8 March, feminist strike
Various mobilizations, concrete political demands
On March 8, 2018, the forecast was breached. In this year’s feminist strike, the calculations that have been made have also fallen short. It has been obvious. If the demonstrations of strength in the capitals have exceeded last year’s, this year’s surprise has been from... [+]

Flowers and tips

I've experienced two feminist strikes. There have been only two, but I am already far away another 8 March, which gave us “congratulations”, which were shaped like flowers or chocolates, which invited you to remain the best home caretaker. It is not far in time, but it is in... [+]

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