Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Members of ELB and Lurzaindia occupy the office of mediator of the landlord of Arbona

  • Members of ELB and Lurzaindia occupy the office of architect Pierre Jean Harté Lasserre. It is the seller’s intermediary in the matter of growing land, which is sold for EUR 3.2 million. The occupation began on 23 June and since then the OECD and Lurzaindia are working in the area. Among its demands is the cancellation of this sale. This afternoon, at 7 p.m., an appeal has been made to the public to go to the occupation.

15 July 2021 - 10:50
Last updated: 13:17

To speed up the relationship of forces, the ELB and Lurzaindia are occupying an office in Biarritz, in particular the intermediary of Arbonan, which has sold 15 hectares of land and a hamlet for EUR 3.2 million.

Since 23 June, they have been occupying these lands, to fight speculation, to deny the sale of land and, more generally, to implement a policy of arable land for Ipar Euskal Herria within the Commonwealth of Iparralde.

Pressure up and date today at 19:00

As there is no willingness on the part of the seller and the buyer to speak and agree on a way out, the OECD and the farmers and members of Lurzaindia are working on increased pressure and tightening up activities. In particular, on 23 June, after the occupation began, the land began to work on 9 July, and on 13 July a hundred tractors arrived, which subsequently occupied and blocked the roads of Biarritz.

The appeal to the occupation has been extended to all the local neighbours and neighbours and the next appointment was this Thursday at 19:00, also in the occupied lands of Arbona. As the option to influence the purchase/sale ends on July 20, more is being pressed behind the scenes.

Farmer Dominique Amsoy explained to ARGIA the details of the action: "People have to come to the occupation of Arbona, this gives us the courage to keep fighting."

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