The house that occupied Arbona is about to sell it again, according to Berria. The notary has referred the trade to the SAFER agricultural land management structure. Isabelle Capdeville, member of the Lurzaindia association, points out that they have returned to the same situation as the previous year. The couple of Paris has proposed buying a house, two sidewalks and four hectares of land in the area, including farmland.
Last year they managed to prevent the purchase of EUR 3.15 million, after 79 days of occupation of the building. The land is estimated at EUR 100,000 and now Yves Borother, owner and resident in Switzerland, wants to sell it to EUR 3 million.
Capdeville has determined that they have three weeks to hinder the sale and has assured that in the coming days they will see what to do. In addition, SAFER can make a priority partial purchase for the purchase of farmland.
Arbonako eskola publiko berria, hondakindegi zahar baten gainean eraikitzen ari dela salatu du herriko etxeko oposizioko taldeak. Azaldu dutenez, herriko etxeak "ez du lurzoru hori garbitzeko neholako lanik agindu, ikasleen osagarria lanjerrean ezarriz".
Arbonako laborantza lurretan, legez kontra eraikitzen segitu nahi du Mari Jose Mialoqc Arbonako auzapezak. PLU edo Tokiko Hirigintza Planean zehaztu gabeko guneetan, bizitegiak altxatu nahi ditu. Duela bost urtetik hona auzitan dira Lurzaindia eta Arbonako herriko etxea, eta... [+]
The buyer will not end up buying the house and land of Arbona. It has had to give way to the members of ELB and Lurzaindia and the associated citizens. The occupation continues, because the seller continues with the hunger of EUR 3 million and because pressure, force, solidarity... [+]
The buyer will not finally buy the estate and the house of Arbona. It has had to give way to the members of ELB and Lurzaindia and to the people together. The occupation continues, as the seller is still hungry for EUR 3 million and at the negotiating stage the pressure,... [+]