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Problems and deaths, to the hole

Lurrez estali / Axut! konpainia / Ekainaren 1ean / Latsaga Jauregian (Izura, Nafarroa Beherea)

14 June 2024 - 12:36
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Through the networks the mysterious Axut Theatre was announced! people from the company a few months ago. A few dates, a lot of actors, known and not so known, and that was only going to be in the Latsaga Palace of Izura. When we realized we arrived to date and there we were in the lands of Baja Navarra, a few southern and the inhabitants of the surrounding area with very high expectations.

Inside the palace, a patio and seats on the bottom, under cover. The three buildings surrounded what the tablement would be. The three, more than darts, are part of the table. Housing in ruins and debts. That's all Beñat has. Ah, and also an unstable family: a crazy father, a jet-loving sister and a communist poet, and an elected sister. The latter is the return to summer with the family, as it is a disconnect. Beñat has also emptied his heart because Maitexa left him widowed two years ago. And from then on, problems one after the other.

The work has been dedicated to emptying the rural environment, with few people in the village and transport problems to reach it. The lack of desire for land related work on the part of young generations and the citizens' false romantic ideas.

This is the case of the neighbors, who have organized a meal to do business with their hacienda. But lunch will not go as you like: ego, interests, ChatGPT and others will unravel Beñat’s plan.

Wear a complicated flap and it won't be easy to drop the laces: Patxi and Iban, Iban and Aña, Aña and Jean Battitt, Jean Battitt and Beñat, Beñat and their neighbors, Iban and Edurne, Edurne and Patxi… And so, all between love and hate.

In the play, like the summer, we too have the night. And the Sirimiri turns on alert in us. What would you do if you had basketers? Then we learned that it is a question of moving forward. It's September all of a sudden and the citizens have turned around, but the problems continue: Grandpa Petri getting worse and worse, Edurne fleeing, Paxkalin insisting on the search for his truth… And the debt is still there.

Some problems are unsolvable. And until they don't die, some of them live in trouble, even the same problem, until they get to grieve with it. They have posed us with more than one problem and do not have an easy solution.

It can be understood as an initiative by covering it with land. It also has content and form. It could have been dangerous if, instead of a tour, people had to approach you, but you only have to see success (occupying all the spaces for fifteen representations), a sign that things have been done well. There will also be many problems in culture, but thanks to the will and work of our artists, some of us have been able to spend a good night.

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