The Ararteko of the Basque Country has submitted to the Basque Parliament the report on the activity carried out in 2019 and has made it known on the website In total, 7,751 complaints and consultations were received, 2,081 complaints filed and 1,519 resolved. Regarding the number of complaints filed, there has been an increase of 25% compared to 2018, from 1,658 to 1,658 two years ago.
According to the thematic area of complaints, health complaints have increased due in large part to the 484 complaints received as a result of the closure of the Cruces psychosocial module. Conversely, media claims against social exclusion have decreased: 468 (713 in 2018). Most of the complaints, around 90%, relate to problems related to the malfunctioning of Lanbide.
Almost 58% of the complaint files processed are related to social rights (health, social integration, housing, education...).
Complaints about public care groups
Complaints about public attention groups are also "numerous", as Ararteko explained in a statement. "Many of these dossiers, including those on social inclusion, have to do with public policies to ensure the real and effective equality of all people and aim to eliminate the difficulties faced by women, the elderly, children and adolescents, people with disabilities, the LGTB collective, immigrants, Roma people, etc. to exercise this right".
The largest number of complaints, according to the Basque Government
As to the proportion of cases affecting each administration, as in previous years, the Basque Government has been the institution that received the most written complaints in 2019 (53%), while complaints about actions by municipalities of the Basque Autonomous Community have increased (30%). Some 10% have affected foreign deputies.
Office for Children and Adolescents
The Ararteko report also collects complaints received at the Office of Childhood and Adolescence in 2019. 474 were the complaint files in which children and adolescents participated. 46.1 per cent of the files are linked to material conditions that allow these minors to have an adequate standard of living, in particular income and housing guarantee schemes. Another 27.4% refers to problems of the educational system and the remaining 27% to other areas.
According to the 2019 report presented by the Ombudsman of Navarra, Javier Eneriz, received 1,138 complaints (1,052 in 2018) and 1,625 consultations (1,398 in 2018). He started 775 complaint cases and resolved 348.
Complaints received by Ararteko relate mainly to public service (216) and education (157). Social rights (98), access to employment (70) and finance (69) are listed below. Ararteko received 29 complaints related to Euskera and resolved 8.
On the other hand, Eneriz has also referred to complaints about COVID-19. In recent months it has received a total of 79 statements, the most recent on the impossibility of making the income return in person. They are also included in the list "police excesses", access to orchards and the ban on movement throughout the municipality, among other things, to children who were forbidden to take them out of their homes.
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