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Arantxa Urretabizkaia will receive the 111 Academy Award on 8 June

  • The winery of txakoli Hika de Amasa will hold the award ceremony of the 111 Academy, maintaining the tradition of recent years.

08 June 2023 - 13:18
Last updated: 15:50
Arantxa Urretabizkaia (111 Akademia)

Arantxa Urretabizkaia discovered at the end of April that his novel Azken Etxea received the Academy Award 111 of 2022. The award ceremony will take place on 8 June at 19:00 at the Hika Winery in Amasa. In addition to the awards, fragments of the awarded books will be read.

Urretabizkaia composed the Mirilla test in the Anjel Lertxundi desert. 111 The Academy has 212 academics and 124 participated in the three rounds of voting to elect the winner, which took place between January and April.

Amasa will be an act open and open to all citizens. To participate you can write to

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