A good atmosphere and a laughter was played in the Zabalarte de Agurain de la Cuadrilla de Bertsolaris de Álava 1.finalaurrekoa. The session started after the hip tarts. On behalf of Izena pentsau bida (Aramaio), Martin Abarrategi, Danel Herrarte, Manex Agirre and Sabin Abarrategui acted. by Bertxilika (Gasteiz) Aroa Arrizubieta, Maddi Agirre, Hegoi Amabizka, Samuel Rodriguez and Eukene De los Aires.
Irati Martínez acted as rapporteur. The session was evaluated by three judges: Iker Elexpuru, representative of the Izena thought team, Txomin Elorza, representative of the Bertxilika group, and Ainhoa Aizpurua, representing the Bertsolaris Association of Álava.
After the collective farewell of each group, the bertsolaris had to practice different collective exercises: from two in two trades, from three in three trades, from invention in three…
The jury will decide for the end the Izena thought group. It is the first group to be classified. The photos of Agurain semifinal can be seen here.
The next two Saturdays will play the next two semifinals in Labastida and Murgia. In both sessions a team has been classified, as the final will be played between the 3 teams.
The final will be held on March 25 at Laudio around the all-day party.
Larunbata, hilak 17, Gasteizko Alde Zaharrean aurtengo Kuadrilla artekoaren finala eta jai eguna ospatu zen. Arabar bertso Kuadrillen eguna ere bai, parte izan diren 14 taldeetako lagunak lanerako, bertsotarako eta gozatzeko prest, talde bakoitzak bere hazitxoa jarri zuen eguna... [+]