According to the declaration of Parque Natural on 26 April 1994, the conservation of an endangered and endangered area unified us, since only from this balance can we guarantee a precious natural heritage, adapted by collaboration for hundreds of years.
The highlands of Aralar, which have gone from being closed forests to grass fields as we know them today, have been the result of the transformation that human beings have made with nature for centuries. And it is precisely this heritage area that must be protected, because in addition to the loss of the forest and the natural exhaustion of the karstic area, the excessive pressure of the livestock makes it perish.
When we talk about pressure, what produces a sheep or a cow or a mare is not the same, as it is not comparable what causes a mountaineer or the wear caused by a slide, a motor or a 4X4. And that's what needs to be analyzed and cared for, because Aralar's surface is immersed in a profound process of desertification in the last decades. Hence the importance of scientists in measuring the evolution of these fields and in proposing plans and diagnoses. Thus was the 1988 program in which they were presented first and after 2003, the advice of the scientists became key to seeking consensus among all the agents in a given direction.
The contribution of the Society of Sciences Aranzadi in the 2003 programme was a fundamental milestone, since, in addition to the balance between the actors, the political parties were unanimous. We must not forget that the desire to make clues before this unity has been cyclical, as tens of kilometres have been travelled. It was attempted that the aircraft landed and that the Lareon Bungalow also did so and that a wild tourist business was launched, the efforts to record films …, in short, the economic exploitation has always been present.
The balance, the consensus, the scientific authority of the experts, respect between people, the word of political parties and other values have now been broken, as well as the explosion and assault of the excavators.
In the DNA of the PNV, there's always been business hunger on the surface, in the air, in the sea. Thus, despite the validity of the 2003 agreement, the strategy contrary to the principles outlined by Aranzadi has been taken in secret with livestock farmers and pastors. They then went on to purchase the support that was not given by political representation in the Commonwealth, the Mayor who votes against the majority of the representatives of his People, and bought three members of EH Bildu who were sold at a very low price. And there began a new campaign that has led to the breakdown of Aralar and his environment.
The violence of many farmers is being very harsh, acting as if the land of all is yours, with threats, disqualifications and mafia attitudes. Victimizing pastors who receive financial aid because they are Parque Natural and in the highlands, opening tracks to farmers without stables who work in the factories of the Goierri.
It is unforgivable that the rupture, even harder than it comes from where it comes from, the argument they have formed with the pastors that we have defended for many years, makes us pass through the ostrich. Divided parties, some aligned with the business as usual, others subject to internal contradictions, dissent has become a plurality of opinions and lost the principles of always.
There are many breaks that have taken place, there are many years that will take time to heal, and the shepherds will want to sell us the cheeses, the farmers will buy the meat, the parties will ask us for votes, and we will be forced to change our buying habits and our protections.
This article has been published by Goierriko Hitza and we have brought it to ARGIA thanks to the CC-by-sa license.
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