Aragonese has a unified spelling regulation. After a year of work, on 3 April it was approved by the plenary of the Academy of the Language of Aragon and on Thursday it became public in the Official Bulletin of Aragon. The academy has considered an important advance in the process of linguistic standardization and has pointed out that the linguistic community has been waiting for many years.
In order to reach a consensus on the rules, on 11 April 2022, the Graphic Commission of the Institute of Aragon was created, consisting of the writer and ethnographer Ánchel Conte, president and nine members. During one year, 23 plenary sessions were held. The orthographic standards used so far have been those promoted by linguist Francho Nagore in the 1980s.
Currently, Aragonese has about 25,500 speakers, mostly in Pyrenean and pre-Pyrenean regions: Jazetian, Gallego Garaia, Somontano de Barbastro, Sobrarbe, Ribagorza and the Plan de Uesca. It is not an official language, although some legal instruments recognize it as their own language, such as the Statute of Autonomy or the Law of Languages of Aragon.
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