The Naiz media echoed Gasteiz Zero Zabor's warning: The Basque Government has in its plan the construction of a new incinerator in Álava, supported by the Provincial Council of this territory and financed by the European Fund Next Generation EU. Last August the Basque Government drew up the Framework Programme for Sustainable Growth and Employment and, on behalf of the Government, the consultant PwC has drawn up a list of projects to present Next Generation EU in the European Fund and the Álava incinerator project is part of them.
Zero Zabor de Vitoria-Gasteiz has denounced that with the production of ‘renewable’ hydrogen the Basque Government and the Diputación intend to build a new infrastructure for the management of urban waste in Álava, with an initial cost of 20 million euros.
Abrupt closure of the grant window for energy-saving construction works in homes. Imagine the anger of those left in the queue. Architects, builders, community managers, neighbours… The call for proposals was in force until November, but recently the Basque Government... [+]
Nicola Scherer (Munich, 1984) Kataluniako Observatori del Deute en la Globalització (Zorraren Behatokia Globalizazioan) erakundeko ikertzailea eta Open Generation EU taldeko kidea da eta Kapitalari Planto! plataformak ekainean aurkeztu zuen Europako berreskuratze-funtsak:... [+]
This is what the most ambitious programme of public debt has been in the plans, which will distribute equal shares of grants and loans worth EUR 750,000 million over the next 7 years. Alongside the revival of Europe, it aims to promote a greener economy (energy transition) and... [+]