In May, three days of strike by the same unions were convened, and four more days of strike were convened for 30 June and 21, 22 and 23 September. The aim is to unblock the negotiating table with the SEA employers to take “more determined steps” before the summer break towards the renewal of the Álava Metal Convention.
The unions point out that it is necessary to realize that the employers “have to move their position and recognize that the approaches they make are not enough” and that they also do not respond to the needs of the sector and do not correspond to the riches generated by the workforce.
Proposal for a pre-strike
Trade unions report that a meeting will be requested from the SEA by 29 June. They call on employers to draw up “real proposals” to reduce annual working hours, limit flexibility and ensure wide increases and subrogation depending on the CPI.
The text published here by LAB on behalf of all trade unions.
The metal of Bizkaia in defense of a dignified covenant
In the metallurgical sector of Bizkaia, a three-day strike will also take place, as reported by the representatives of the trade unions ELA, LAB, ESK, USO, CNT, CGT, CCOO and UGT on 9 June. On 23, 30 and 1 July, the stoppages will be held. The aim is to overcome the "blockade" established by the employers in order to achieve a decent agreement. In addition to the strike, on June 13, a promise was mobilized to be the Barakaldo BEC Machine Tool Biennale.
The images that the metal sector strike has left in Bizkaia in the last two weeks are once again spectacular. There are those who talk about the end of the labor struggle, nostalgia for the Euskalduna times, but the reality is that the number of labor conflicts in Euskal Herria... [+]
Patronalak hitzarmenaren negoziazioa blokeatuta duela salatu dute. Otsailaren 14ko bileran egoera aldatuko ez balitz, lanuzteak eta grebak iragarri dituzte Arabako metalean.
Bizkaiko Metalaren sektoreko grebak utzitako hiru langile auziperatuek asteartean izan dute epaiketa eta Aiaraldeko beharginen babesa izan dute Bilbon. Artiacheko grebalariek eta Tubacexeko langileek bat egin dute deialdiarekin.
Azken hilabetetan izandako lan gatazketan auzipetuak izan diren beharginek agerraldia egin dute Eusko Jaurlaritzaren aurrean, langile borrokaren kriminalizazioa salatzeko. Mobilizazioak iragarri dituzte.