Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Montes de Álava Libres convenes a rally in Agurain on 21 December

  • On 21 December, the Department for the Sustainability, Agriculture and Natural Environment of the Provincial Council of Álava will hold an information meeting on renewable energies in the City Hall, which has invited representatives of the municipalities and administrative boards of the Cuadrilla de la Llanada Alavesa. To protest against this, Arabako Mendia Askek has called for a rally to denounce "the unwillingness of this department, whose deputy Amaia Barredo is charged by the environmental prosecutor". They recall that the countries affected by the wind macro-projects "have joined the model of wind and photovoltaic power plants that want to implement with authoritarian coup" and ask "to respect the decisions made in this regard by councils and municipalities".

19 December 2023 - 11:58

Montes de Álava in the note sent by Aske to the media announces a concentration in front of the City Hall of Salvatierra on 21 December at 16:45 hours. The source of this protest is the information meeting that the Provincial Council of Álava has convened the municipalities on renewable energies.

The citizenship of the Group of the Alavesa Plains has been called to "stand against these policies that have nothing to do with our lives and that aim to satisfy the desire for profits of energy companies".

You are interested in the channel: Mendiak Aske
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