Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Montes Libres de Álava starts legal proceedings and denounces the "legal fraud" of the company Aixeindar in the Azaceta project

  • Montes Libres de Álava brings an administrative appeal to the High Court of Justice of the Basque Country against the prior administrative authorization of the Azazeta Wind Park project. In addition, it has denounced the "legal fraud" of the promoter company Aixeindar S.A., "because it proposed the wind power plants of Laminoria and Azaz as two independent power plants."

31 January 2024 - 13:29
Zentral eolikoen Arabako proiektuen mapa, Arabako Mendiak Askek egina. Tartean ikus daitezke, elkarren segidan dauden Azazeta eta Laminoriakoak.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Montes de Álava Ascas has addressed the judicial route to "try to protect the habitats and spaces affected by the Azaceta wind plant project". Specifically, on 26 December 2023 he appealed against the Resolution of 24 October 2023 of the Director of Strategic Projects and Industrial Administration of the Department of Economic Development, Sustainability and the Environment of the Basque Government. By that resolution, the Government granted prior administrative authorisation to the Azazeta Wind Farm project. This project, promoted by Aixeindar S.A., affects the following municipalities: Bernedo, Arraia Maeztu, Joy Dulantzi, Iruraiz-Gauna and San Millán.

He announces that he will raise funds to finance the judicial process: "those of the partnership will not give way to our endeavour and we will continue to work not to destroy our peoples and our land, sensitizing our neighbours and demanding that the responsible institutions stop this bad faith."

"Aixeindar, S.A. has committed a law fraud proposing the wind power plant of Azaceta and Laminoria as two independent plants"

Likewise, Montes de Álava Ascas has denounced that "the company Aixeindar S.A., the promoter of the recurrent wind power plant project, is involved in legal fraud when it proposes the wind power plants of Azaceta and Laminoria as two independent plants". Each project involves the installation of 8 wind turbines with a power of 40 MW per project. Montes Libres de Álava recalls that both projects are located in the same mountain range and that the separation between them is minimal. "Undoubtedly, the strategy of the promoter company is tough to avoid the environmental requirements for the 16-lane wind power plant, which is evidenced by the fact that both projects share the same evacuation infrastructure to the proposed Transformation Centre."

"Administrations, far from protecting natural and social ecosystems, change the law to suit large energy corporations"

Montes de Álava in the note that Ascas has opened denounces: "In recent years, in Álava we have experienced a large number of wind and photovoltaic megaprojects that, if carried out, in addition to the industrialization and privatization of high-value natural spaces, which would lead to an irreversible loss of biodiversity, would entail a significant degradation of rural areas. (...) These mega-projects are promoted by large oligopoly corporations, most have interests in tax havens and some have to do with corruption plots and have the uncritical and complicit self of the competent administrations. These administrations, far from protecting the last natural and social ecosystems that have survived to date in Euskal Herria, limit themselves to giving way to the progress of these mega-projects, promoting "tailor-made" regulatory changes by large energy corporations, such as the Tapia Law or the Law of Energy Transition and Climate Change, under negotiation.

Above all, Montes de Álava Aska has requested a "change of model": "The search for solutions that minimize the effects of global warming necessarily involves ensuring the biodiversity of the planet and its compatibility with the natural and social environment of our territory. This is not feasible with the energy transition model they want to impose on us, which is based on renewable energy macro-installations for electricity production and which, moreover, needs extraordinary materials. Therefore, it is necessary to force a change in the energy model to reduce false consumption and to leave growth and estractivism as the base of the economy".



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