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Saturday in Vitoria-Gasteiz the final of the Bertsolaris Championship of Álava

  • Six finalists will contest their txapela on June 11.
Arabako Bertsolari Txapelketa 2022, azken finalerdia. (Argazkia: @ArabaBertsozale Twitterren)

10 June 2022 - 10:32
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The Bertsolaris Championship of Álava will be held on Saturday 11 June at 17:30 a.m. in the Maria de Maeztu auditorium of the Europe Palace of Vitoria-Gasteiz. Six contestants will sing to wear the txapela. The presentation of the final took place on 7 June in the same Congress Palace the Association of Bertsolarism Fans of Álava. The six protagonists were presented by Egoitz Iradier: Xabi Igoa, Manex Agirre, Peru Abarrategi, Iñaki Viñaspre, Oihane Perea and Paula Amilburu. The six bertsolaris assured they are willing to compete. The final will be presented by Arantxa Sobrino Losa and its theme will be Aintzane Irazusta Arzallus.

In the end, they will sing 13 scored verses: by couples, giving the theme, three in the zortziko mayor; by couples, giving the theme, three in the bertso hamarreko txikia; individually, giving the starting point, two in the zortziko txiki; by couples, giving the theme, three in verse 60short; by themselves, two in verse and in free size. Then in the head 6 suitable verses: by couples, giving the theme, three bertsos in the melody Iparragirre and the work of Kartzela: alone, giving the theme, three bertsos in the melody and desired measure.

Tickets can be obtained on the web and if the capacity of the room is not filled it can be purchased daily in the same place. The organization recommends the early purchase of tickets from the web.La membership ticket will be 15 euros. For non-members, children under 16 will have to pay EUR 10 and the remaining EUR 18.

Txapela by Serapio López Ortueta

Serapio López Ortueta will wear the txapela to this year's champion. He began his career in Alavese bertsolarism in 1982 and is one of the founders of the first bertsolaris schools in Álava. He has served as a professor and organizer and in the end of 2017 he was last performing at the Bertsolaris Championship in Álava. The Association of Bertsolarism Fans of Álava would like to thank them for their trajectory.

The other awards distributed are those agents that drive Euskera and culture in Álava and that collaborate in some way around Bertsolarism, in gratitude for their work: ALEA communication group in Álava, Gazte Asanblada de Legutiano, Ttiki Tttaka Euskal Elkartea de Rioja Alavesa, Aiaraldea Ekintzak Faktoria, Zalduondo Kultur Elkartea and Mendialdeko AEK.




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