The final will be played at 17:00 hours in the Palatu sports space of Murgia (Bizkaia). Tickets can be purchased on the portal and the same day as well. Limited capacity. Members and those between 8 and 16 years old shall pay four euros for the entry and the remaining six euros for the entry.
12:00 XXV Young Bertsolaris Championship of Álava. It's going to be the school ending.
The organization reports on measures to be taken in relation to COVID-19:
-The capacity will be limited.
-The room will open half an hour before the session, the amateurs will go in and out step to avoid agglomerations.
-The seats will move away from the crowd and will not be able to move. The seats shall be cleaned before and after the session.
-The entries are not numbered, the seats will be located in the place indicated by the controllers.
-You must always be with the face mask on.
-Attendees are asked to follow the organizers' instructions.
Larunbata, hilak 17, Gasteizko Alde Zaharrean aurtengo Kuadrilla artekoaren finala eta jai eguna ospatu zen. Arabar bertso Kuadrillen eguna ere bai, parte izan diren 14 taldeetako lagunak lanerako, bertsotarako eta gozatzeko prest, talde bakoitzak bere hazitxoa jarri zuen eguna... [+]