Faced with the opening of the betting house, which will open in the coming days in Plaza Balentina Agirre, the Azpeitia City Hall has shown its "concern" about the possible consequences of the business. He also stated in a statement that he would "make every effort" to ensure that "negative and negative effects" could occur.
The Gambling and Entertainment Directorate of the Department of Security of the Basque Government is the competent body for the regulation and authorisation of betting houses, so the City Council has sent a letter to the Basque Government requesting information and report on the "impact" of this type of premises in Azpeitia. In addition, the City Hall has asked the institution to review the regulation of betting houses.
Since the beginning of the works of expansion of the betting house in Azpeitia, the mobilizations against this business have been numerous in recent months. Among other things, the Elkar-ekin group has collected over 1,000 signatures against the betting house in recent weeks, for which they will install tables and spaces until the 31st day. In this sense, the City Council has joined the initiatives that local agents promote on this topic.
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