From 27 to 30 April, an initiative will be held in Sormene Galdakao aimed at bringing together creative projects of Basque culture. In addition to maternity, creation and Euskera, the festival will focus this year on care. They organize a program that combines audiovisual, theater, dance, music and bertsolarism.
This spring will be the fourth edition of Sormene. It was first held in 2020 and is organised twice a year in spring and autumn. They want to highlight, among others, the work of Basque women.
They will also take the initiative to the schools in Galdakao. The program will start on Thursday morning with the Video-Creation short film workshop aimed at students, directed by Josi Sierra. Students must make a video summary of Sormene's four days, in which they will be able to participate, in addition to high school students.
On Friday morning students will work the plastic arts. With Karmele Gorroño a "travelling collective mural" will be held on the street.
As for the performances aimed at all the public, on Thursday afternoon they will offer the show Bapateko Sormene. This spontaneous session will involve creators of different cultural expressions, most of them from Galdakao. It will take place at 19:00 in the Casa de Cultura Torrezabal. On Friday afternoon, the Atx Teatroaren Oihana theatre will take place at 19:00 in Torrezabal.
On Saturday, International Dance Day, this artistic discipline will be the protagonist, but not the only one. Starting at 18:00 hours, a travelling creativity has been organised, offering 30 minutes from different disciplines. It will involve the Galdakao Divernire eskola dance school and the musical group Akëer, the bertsolaris Josune Aramendi and Paula Amilburu and the rap singers Fani, La Basu and Herbas & M arta. At the end of the day, the dance show "Vertical and Floor in Collaboration" will be offered at 21:30 hours, organized by the Zinbulu Collective and the Galdakao Dance School. The performances will take place in different corners of Galdakao, so the musicians of the dance group Andra Mari will take a walk from one place to another.
The program will end with the screening of shorts and awards on Sunday at 18:00 in Torrezabal.
Creativity, part of Doinuel
The creation of Galdakao is part of the Network of Plazas in Euskera Doinuele. The plaza consists of eight initiatives from five territories of the Basque Country and was presented in March. Among the objectives of the project are "to strengthen the entire public in Basque" and "to expand the network that lives in Basque". To this day, the eight initiatives and localities that have met in the Doinuele network are: (H)ilbeltza (Baztan), "Planes Gelatik" (Azkoitia), "Sormene" (Galdakao), "Azoliteraturia" (Zarautz), Ziburuko Liburu eta Disco Azolazka.
We Basques move our feet behind the witness of Korrika to proclaim that we want to survive as a Basque people in favor of our language, with the aim of the Basque Country we desire.
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Euskaraldia comes back. Apparently, it will be in the spring of next year. They have already presented it and the truth is that it has surprised me; not Euskaraldia himself, but his motto: We'll do it by moving around.
The first time I have read or heard it, the title of the... [+]
Lau egunez idekia izanen den merkatu bat antolatzen du Plazara kooperatibak euskararen aldeko beste hamar bat eragilerekin –horien artean ARGIA–.
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