We said that spring was full of verses and it was no less. This edition of Gipuzkoa Bertsotan will begin on 25 April and will be held until 2 June 20 sessions in two rounds. With the publication of this news, we have put the tickets for all sessions on the portal bertsosarrerak.eus.
As we have been moving forward in the last two months, this year’s edition has many particularities. On the one hand, its duration is just over a month and a half, with 20 sessions. The sessions will be double, except the first and last of the first round. On the first lap there will be 12 sessions on Thursdays and Fridays, and on the second 8 sessions on Saturdays and Sundays.
But its structure is not the only novelty, as it has also changed the form of the tournament. In the years there are new developments, and after its preparation has been the Bertsolarism Commission, within the Organizing Group. To view the exercises to be performed, click the link.
In order to carry out this qualifying stage of the championship, it is essential that there be raw material: bertsolaris, organizers, gaiters, judges and bertsolaris fans in general. We want to thank and acknowledge to bertsolaris schools the work of those who create this raw material in this ecosystem of bertsolaris, aware that it is they who support this ecosystem.
In fact, we've designed this year's image and message along this line. The image of Unai Gaztelumendi contains images of the first generations of bertsolaris schools, with Uztapide below. From this black and white photograph, bertsolaris classes have been a fundamental step towards reaching the universe of the present bertsos, and that is what Gaztelumendi’s image intends to represent.
In this sense, another novelty of the championship is that after each session the local schools of bertsolaris will organize a dinner snack. This gesture coincides with the message of this year’s championship, as the bertso-eskola puts the center and opens the universe of the verse.
Gipuzkoa Bertsotan is about to start. Track the tournament and all the information you will find on our social networks and on the web.
Vagina Shadow(iko)
Group: The Mud Flowers.
The actors: Araitz Katarain, Janire Arrizabalaga and Izaro Bilbao.
Directed by: by Iraitz Lizarraga.
When: February 2nd.
In which: In the Usurbil Fire Room.
In recent years, I have made little progress. I have said it many times, I know, but just in case. Today I attended a bertsos session. “I wish you a lot.” Yes, that is why I have warned that I leave little, I assume that you are attending many cultural events, and that you... [+]