The plan, presented last month, aims at the creation of two states, the Palestinian and the Israeli. In addition, the Government wants to give some support to the impoverished economy of Palestine, which will contribute more than $50 billion. Abbas, for his part, has denounced that collateral damage "is too high".
The plan leaves one third of the West Bank’s territory in the hands of the Israelis and thus cuts Palestine’s connection to Jordan. In return, the Palestinians will receive sterile and simple land. Not only that, but by completing the decision that in 2017 led to the Israeli Embassy in Jerusalem, it takes this city as the capital of Israel, placing the Palestinian capital on the periphery of Jerusalem.
The sacred city
The city of Jerusalem is sacred to both the Palestinians and the Israelis. It contains the most important temples of the three great monotheistic religions of the world. After the 1967 war, the city was divided into two, the west into the hands of the Jews and the east into the hands of the Palestinians.
Since then, no international country has dared to consider this city as the capital of Israel, although it declared it in 1980 “eternal capital.” Israel ' s occupation of East Jerusalem was considered illegal under international law.
Practically Israel is the biggest power in this city, there is nothing more to see the territory that each has: Israel has almost 100 square kilometres of city and surroundings and Palestine six. However, in 2017, Trump’s entry into the Israeli Embassy caused great disturbances on the part of the Palestinians.
Peace as an objective
The Palestinian President, Abbas, has said that peace is still possible, but he has denounced that Trump's plan "legitimizes" injustices because it is not legal for the State of Israel to occupy Palestinian territories.
Israel's ambassador to the UN, Danny Danon, has said that peace between the two states during Abbas' presidency will be "impossible."
Palestinarekin Elkartasunak "sionistekin harreman oro etetera" deitu du. Kanpaina bat jarri dute abian Euskal Herriak Israelgo estatu terroristaren bizirautea bermatzen duten harreman militar, diplomatiko eta kulturalak seinalatu eta hauen etetea exijitzeko. Pasa den... [+]
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Palestina, mediatikoki aurkeztua ez den bezala, aipatu zen joan den larunbatean Makean, mintzaldi, tailer, merkatu eta kontzertuen bidez.