ARGIA has published the comic book Ño. It's a work that talks about the experiences and experiences of Bertsolaris women. Ten situations have been found that can happen on the return of a bertsos session, in contexts so comfortable and not so comfortable, that reflect ghosts, obstacles, handles and advancement tools of Bertsolaris women, praising the gestures of complicity and enjoyment among their members. The image takes the greatest weight in all the scenes and although it focuses on the bertso world, we will not read any verse in the whole comic.
More information and access to the comic book: ARGIA fair.
SCk Zerocalcareri egindako galdera sorta eta honen erantzunak, jarraian.
Bildumako azken alea izango dela jakinarazi dute: lehenbizikoa Ni-ari buruzkoa izan zen, eta bigarrena Zu. Bigarren hura bezala, autoedizioan kaleratu du honakoa ere.
Texts: Illustrations Eli Pagola and Miren
Artetxe: Luz Maitane
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Biga (5 books)
Screenplay: Illustrations Romain
Pujol: Vincent Seguros
We've read eleven stories at home to our seven- and nine-year-olds, and I would say that I've never seen them so hooked that with the... [+]
Anker: Gregorio muro harriet
Illustrations: Alex Male
Color: Garluk Aguirre
Harriet, 2023
The Anker comic is located in January 2019. In the Russian regions, near the borders of China and North Korea. It shows the mafias that are flourishing the Siberian... [+]