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Antton López and José Miguel Latasa deny the indictment at the National High Court

  • The Prosecutor's Office is calling for 66 years in prison for López and Latasa for one of the reasons for their disappearance in 1986. Both of them gave a statement this Thursday in Madrid, where they coincided in two communiqués.
Antton Lopez Zarauzko ekitaldi batean aurten. Argazkia: Zarauzko Hitza

09 October 2020 - 10:47

Antton López Kubati, neighbour of Zarautz, has had to testify this Thursday at the National Hearing with José Miguel Latasa (Supreme Court). The two have been cited in one 1986 case: The Aretxabaleta Public Prosecutor’s Office has ordered 66 years in prison for each of the accused of taking part in the action against a police station of the Aretxabaleta Municipal Police.

Both López and Latasa have denied the indictment and claimed that they did not participate in the attack against the two terrorists in France. Lopez recalled that an action of the command he belonged to (known as Goierri Kosta) took place in Ordizia that night, hours earlier than in the village of Aretxabaleta. He has answered both the questions of the prosecutor and those of the lawyers.

Kubati, who was released in 2013, has served the full sentence of 26 years in prison. He was arrested in 2018 and in January of this year in connection with the reception of Basque political prisoners.

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Durangués Guillermo Merino, released after serving 24 years in prison
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On 11 April the Aberri Eguna unitario, convened by Euskal Herria Bat
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The Basque Government says "everything it had to say" about ETA's disarmament in the face of the Pacifists' complaint
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