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Borla / Maiatzaren 24an / Sorgin tabernan (Zaldibar). Argazkia: Erik Lejardi.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

There are edges that are central. Scenes that, far from the capitals, occur in the places, self-managed spaces and margins of the streets of the small towns, which are the core of the underground, or are evolving. From time to time, they become the meeting point of the largest groups in Euskal Herria and the surrounding amateurs. And sometimes, these corners become spaces for testing, playing, launching new projects, blurring boundaries between essays and concerts. Despite their edges, they have little coercion.

At the edges of Bizkaia – friendly reminder: Bizkaia is not Bilbao – Bizkaia is not Bilbao – we have some centres, such as the surroundings of the Sorgin bar of Zaldibar, on both sides of the Trabakua.

Along with the trio of Duranguish cats, friends, acquaintances and amateurs have approached Sorgin after three days before the musical group Borla propose to celebrate the launch of the Camino de Córdoba, the first LP.

As members of groups such as Tatxers or Blessure, they cannot be said to be newcomers. However, and the current speed, it can be said that it is a new project: The first concert was held in September 2023, and in January the demo recorded on the site before that concert entered the network.

Among his friends, they start with a concert essay. The LP is seven songs that have sounded live, no more, no less. Although you can't notice it in the sound, on the face of the musicians you can see that the songs are taking action.

Since the first song I have been put in the tune of sunny Friday, vibrating the laughter of joy with luminous and contagious melodies. However, the lyrics of the songs are, one after the other, intimate and raw portraits of the time. Antithesis arising from the mix of pop, punk and rock that the public has already endorsed. Until we seek the Basque acceptance of the word dancer, the Pop of the Working Class of the Oki Moki group would serve me to describe it: direct but beautiful messages at the same time, or the crudety gathered in joy.

It is finished in just half an hour. “We have no more.” He smiled at me when he said that the following should be repeated from the start. Although we were already warned, it is short.

To do a thousand things, and for those of us who don't have diamonds, pearls or red gold, just joy, because there's nothing better. Sunny Friday, a couple of cans or two/a shadow, like pop punki, and enough.

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