The space 'La Morada' in Bilbao will host the first edition of Ansible Fest, the feminist science fiction festival of Euskal Herria. Organizers Arrate Hidalgo, Laura Lazcano, Laura Gaelx and Laura Huelin have organized a broad program that extends from round tables to children's activities, all for free. Among the offers in Basque are the workshop “Writing feminist science fiction”, the workshop “Basque women writers in science fiction: special reading” and the children’s workshop “Tell stories”.
The festival has two main objectives: to make visible the feminist contributions to the field of science fiction and to give physical space to the debates that take place on the Internet. Considering that women have worked in this literary field for years, they want to “make visible and celebrate” their contributions. “Because we want to pay tribute to our genealogy and hear new voices,” according to the organizers.
Ursula K. The Ansible Fest festival will pay tribute to Le Guin, a science fiction composer who died this year. The term “Ansible” has been taken from the novel written in 1966 Rocannon’s World, a device that, as they explain, allows the establishment of immediate communications over distances of light years.
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