The process comes from a request from young people that starts from the 2017 budgets, I would like to live in Anoeta. Instead of building new homes, he urged the City Hall of Anoeta to study what to do with the empty houses.
The dunes, dynamized by groups with experience in feminist urbanism and participation, have been working since last March with the diagnosis, asking the citizens for their opinion on the housing needs and performing an analysis on the offer that the people have in this area.
The conclusions of the diagnosis will be presented next Tuesday, July 16, at the municipal library of Ermua. The objective is to analyze what “new models” can exist outside empty housing. Thus, they will explain the possibilities of building a public housing or creating a housing cooperative in the Basque Country, among other things. The latter has been given special importance by the City of Anoeta, “which will be able to offer good opportunities to the young people of the town”.
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