Over more than half a century, Anjel Lertxundi has completed a rich work, received prestigious awards and the professor and course director of the UPV/EHU, Alex Gurrutxaga, and Beatriz Zabalondo have highlighted the need for the academic field of literary research to analyze the work of the writer. For this reason, the congress will bring together fourteen experts and leading speakers to work on Lertxundi’s work on a monographic basis and for two days.
Guests will include Lourdes Otaegi, Beñat Sarasola, Idoia Santamaria, Antton Olariaga, Andoni Egaña, Juan Kruz Igerabide, Danele Sarriugarte and Iratxe Retolaza. The literature of Lertxundi, from the point of view of the work and the writer, will be analyzed in conference format and in round table format.
Those who want more information or enroll in the course can do so at this link.
Recognition by the City of Zarautz before the congress
On Tuesday, 20 June, the City of Zarautz will give Anjel Lertxundi the medal of cultural merit, and in the same performance will take the word Uxue Alberdi and Jexuxmai Lopetegi.
In addition to the municipal recognition, at the initiative of various cultural agents, Total Writer will offer a colloquium in the Model Room, after the medal, at 19:30 hours. Andoni Egaña, Danele Sarriugarte, Iratxe Retolaza and Iñigo Astiz will talk about the work of Lertxundi.
Haltz bat dugu obra honetako protagonista. Arbola bat; mundua ezagutu nahi duen arbola. Eta, denok dakigun bezala, arbola ezin da dagoen lekutik mugitu, ezin da itsasoraino joan, ezin ditu bidaiak egin… ala bai?
Muino batean dagoen haltza dugu protagonista, eta lehen... [+]
Egunero egiten du Zarauztik Getarirako joan-etorria. Goizean goiz eta oinez, pauso azkarrean. Ibilian-ibilian, 25 urtetik gorako ohitura du hori. Ibilian-ibilian, ez horren pauso azkarrean, baina bai konstantean, mende erdiko ibilia egin du literaturan, Hunik arrats artean... [+]
Atzo aurkeztu zuen Anjel Lertxundik ipuin laburrez osaturiko Paper-festa (Alberdania 2012) liburua Donostiako Udal Liburutegian. “Ingurua begiratzetik sortutako ipuin mordoa dago hemen; Nire hurbileko errealitatearekin oso lotua dagoen liburua da”, adierazi du... [+]