If there's a clutter out there... What is the Luna and Planta agenda?
It is an agenda that explains the work to be done throughout the year in the garden, in the garden, in the fruit trees and in the forest, while at the same time a simple agenda for each one to point their things: either a saying, or the name of a variety that has told us that someone has tried it, well… all with instructions related to the growing and waning phases of the moon. In the end, the plant place of each is different and unique, and this agenda allows us to learn from it.
What fixed parts do you have?
There are explanations of the lunar cycles, of the jobs to be done every month in the orchard, in the fruit orchard, in the forest and in the floral orchard, and every week you delve deeper into some special work of this time, we have compiled phrases about each time, every month you explain the vegetables that are of the time and of the land to organize a quality food... In the end, we have several sections to learn how to make the plants.
Animals are the subject of the 2023 agenda, right?
Yes, every year we discuss a topic on the agenda, and in 2023 they will be collaborating animals: we will see how to attract animals that help in our gardens and orchards. Every month an animal is mentioned and there is a small story about it accompanied by the beautiful drawings of Antton Olariaga. They have been cultivated as Urubia, Murciélago, Petirrojo, Panecillo, Garceta, Gijares, Sapo, Spider and Erizo.
Because all these animals play an important role…
That is, we have explained in the agenda what they do and what advantages they bring, so that people know that in order to have a healthier and biodiverse garden we need to take care of and attract these animals. They control diseases and pests and maintain balance. Maybe in the orchard we have insects, but they won't become pests because they control each other, so we use fewer pesticides and products and we decrease labor. In the end, the orchard is not something isolated, it is only a small part of the environment. There are all the animals, and we should understand that too.
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