Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Movement Bizi calls for safe ways to ride a bike in Angelu

  • They have called for the bicycle to be a means of transport most used in daily commuting, in order to cope with pollution. Hundreds of cyclists have asked the Mayor of Angelu and the President of the Mobility Union to take steps to start the bicycle.

27 September 2021 - 10:55
Last updated: 12:56
Angelun egindako ekintza sinbolikoa. Argazkia: Bizi Mugimendua.

The spokesman for the Live Movement, Thibaut Godin, said that: "There is a huge distance between the communication of the city of Angelu with the bicycle and the reality of the organization in favor of the bicycle, especially when praising the paragraphs that violate Article L.228-2 of the Environmental Code." Members of the movement have stressed the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in order to make the coast more habitable and improve air quality. Transport is the main source of emissions from the Basque coast and the second in the French Basque Country.

According to data from Bizi, more than 40% of daily car trips in the area of Baiona-Angelu - Biarritz are journeys of less than three kilometres.

At the end of the demonstration, the member of Normandin Bizi addressed the mayor of Angelu, Claude Olive, and the president of the Mobility Union, Jean-Francois Irigoyen: “We propose to work together with the associations to think about how it is done technically to make this area safe and practicable for all those day-to-day riders who want to turn the bicycle into their main means of transport for those who come.”

On 25 September, thousands of cyclists have taken to the streets in 24 cities in the French state to call for more sustainable transport policies.

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Eguneraketa berriak daude