Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

Hamburg will elect the successor of German Chancellor Angela Merkel

  • After eighteen years as Chancellor, Merkel leaves the presidency of the German Federal Christian Democratic Union (EU). Friedrich Merz, Jens Spahn and Annegret KRAMP-Karrenbauer, supported by the Chancellor, are the candidates for office.

07 December 2018 - 11:56
Argazkia: El Pais

The Christian Democratic Union of Germany will elect its new president at the congress to be held on 7 December in Hamburg. The votes of some 1,000 delegates will decide on the election of Angela Merkel's successor.

In addition to those who hold office in the party, members, mayors, members of the youth organization and simple members who have been elected before knowing that the congress will be existential may also vote.

According to the German press in recent weeks, the preferred candidate for CDU voters would be the Kramp-Karrenbauer delegation, supported by Merkel. However, Peter Matusch, a researcher at the Forsa House of Opinion Studies, has acknowledged that there is no "safe clarification" of the voting intention of delegates who can vote.

The result of the vote is therefore very open. As for Angela Merkel’s political future, it will be decided on the basis of the representation in which she succeeds.

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