Hundreds of neighbors have gathered on Wednesday in the center of Martin de Azpilikueta street in the San Juan de Pamplona neighborhood, where Ángel Berrueta had the bakery. They have been 20 years since the death of Berrueta and, as every year, on 13 March they paid tribute to Berroeta and applied for recognition, justice and reparation. “We have nothing new to say. We continue as on the first anniversary. The recognition we have requested for twenty years has not yet come," said the daughter Aitziber Berrueta. They also remember Kontxi Sanchiz. He died of a heart attack at a rally in Hernani to report the murder of Berrueta because of the Ertzaintza aggression.
Following the attacks of 11 March 2004, the PP government reported that ETA was behind the attacks. Despite the availability of data that annulled that thesis, the then Spanish Government strongly maintained its political strategy. On March 13, Maria Pilar Rubio wanted to put in the bakery in Berrueta a sign that ETA did not say, but as Berrueta refused, she returned home and told her husband and his son. Subsequently, police Valerian de la Peña and his son killed Berrueta with shots and knives.
Like every year, Berrueta has been honored among bouquets of flowers and surrounded by young women, dancers, family and neighbors. The widow of Mari Carmen Mañas Berrueta, her children and the relatives of Sanchiz have been present. Mayor Joseba Asiron and councillor of EH Bildu, Garbiñe Bueno were present for the City of Pamplona. The voice receives the video tribute.
“Indifference” and “non-sanction”
Ainara Gorostiaga, from Egia Zor, stressed that “nobody” has taken responsibility for the “mentirosa” official version of the M-11: “Everyone has the right to truth, justice, recognition and reparation without distinctions or exceptions to the violation of human rights in the context of the Basque conflict”.
Angel Gogoan’s members have highlighted the work done to achieve justice and remind Berrueta: “We have faced indifference and impunity, and we have raised our voice against institutional violence and the influence of the media that facilitated his death.”
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