Reyes Ilintxeta interviewed him in 2011 and told him many anecdotes. He also talked about the future of Euskera: “The future of Euskal Herria is in consciousness. There's a lot of people working on it. If we were aware to do so in Euskera, it would be to save the Basque. There are thousands of boys and girls who know Euskera, but there is the greatest danger: they speak Spanish even learning Euskera. We all have to do something. I think we have to take it out as something. Wake up feelings. But it's no wonder. The Basque Country has been in a corner like centuries and centuries.”
We also recorded in the video: Angel Aintziburu, a master of golden ceremonies.
On the Euskarabidea website, several interviews with Aintziburu can be heard. In them you can play anecdotes and bertsos from Bordel, stories from the Carlist era, children's games and songs, natural cures, anecdotes from old pelotaris and much more.
Euskaraldia comes back. Apparently, it will be in the spring of next year. They have already presented it and the truth is that it has surprised me; not Euskaraldia himself, but his motto: We'll do it by moving around.
The first time I have read or heard it, the title of the... [+]
Lau egunez idekia izanen den merkatu bat antolatzen du Plazara kooperatibak euskararen aldeko beste hamar bat eragilerekin –horien artean ARGIA–.
The survival of the Basque country is not the only problem that the Basques play in the political game, but rather, as a more characteristic element of Euskaldunisation, the one that most reflects our situation. It shows very well what does not appear so much in other areas... [+]
Agorrilaren 27an igorri nizuen gutunean, irailaren 10eko auzian euskaraz deklaratzeko asmoa nuela adierazi nizuen. Auzi honen hastapenean, epaile nagusiari euskaraz zekienez galdegin nion. Gutxiespenarekin ezetz erantzun zidan. Orduan, nere gutuna eskuratu zuenez frantsesez... [+]