Ane Zuazubiskar has taken this year's txapela to Arrasate/Mondragón. Aner Peritz, Eneko Araiztegi, Mikel Iturriotz, Oihana Arana and Xabat Illarregi participated alongside him.
In previous years, the winner of the bertso-paper competition Basarri was announced at the end of the Lizardi Prize, and he sang the series of award-winning bertsos. The Zarautz City Hall advanced the award to promote the creation of bertsos in the COVID-19 lockdown, which was given in July, within the bertsos week organized by Motxian Bertso Eskola. Haritz Mujika has been the winner of this year, precisely with the bertsos she has put her beloved in the lockdown (here you can read the whole lot).
The Bertsozale Elkartea association has announced that the bertsos of the final will soon be hung on the website
Urriaren 19an jokatu zen Udazkeneko II. Zapi Janztea. Lehen bi edizio hauetan, beraz, Lujanbio da zapiduna. Sariketa honen ezaugarriak dira, sari nagusia zapia izateaz gain, zapia jantzi duenak hurrengo urtean ere kantatzen duela, eta entzuleen bozkek erabakitzen dutela nork... [+]
Urriaren 6an Hazparneko Ttattola Gaztetxean jokatu zen aurtengo Hernandorena Bertsu Sariketaren finala. Orotara 6 bertsulari izan ziren kantuan.