The Ministry of Culture, Education and the Interior is amending the immigration law, adding the Catalan requirement to the residence permit. They are calling for a level below A2 and the President of Andorra, Xavier Spot, has stated that the law will enter into force next year.
The aim of the law is that all Andorrans have the ability to speak in Catalan to be able to attend in Catalan. This year there have been 88 complaints against establishments that have not served in Catalan. The number has increased considerably in the last year, with 34 complaints last year.
If the level cannot be established, a course of 30 hours must be completed. A person with no title but rank may be tested. Contingent personnel should not meet the requirement, but the Government will seek language promotion.
“Askatasunaren” izenean, ikastetxean zein oinarrizko hizkuntza nahi duten galdetu diete guraso valentziarrei. Helburua katalana zokoratzea zen. PPren eta Voxen gobernuak ez du lortu. 33 eskualdeetatik 22tan katalana gailendu da. Emaitzarekin oso pozik agertu dira... [+]
570.000 familiak euren haurren ikasgeletako hizkuntza nagusia zein izango den bozkatzeko aukera dute martxoaren 4ra arte: gaztelera edo katalana. Garikoitz Knörr filologoaren eta euskara irakaslearen arabera, kontsultak "ezbaian" jartzen du katalanaren zilegitasuna... [+]
The Catalan linguist Carme Junyent died last September. We have followed closely what he said about language policy here, hoping that we will ever dare to implement some of his proposals. I was behaving without burnings. Many examples have been gathered in this journal: ARGIA... [+]
Frantsesa da nagusi, frantses instituzioetan. Haatik, urtez urte, erakunde publikoetan ere lekua egiten hasi dira euskara, korsikera edota bretoiera. Hemen, horren adibide ditugu, Ortzaizeko, Urruñako, Hendaiako edota Urepeleko herriko kontseiluak, baita Hirigune Elkargoa... [+]