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Andoni Rekondo Izagirre wins first session

  • The Urretxu Labeaga room has hosted the first elimination of the eighth finals of the Bertsolaris Championship in Gipuzkoa 2024. With the victory, Rekondo has ranked the quarter-finals of the King’s Cup. Tomorrow will be the next match of the eighth finals, on the fronton of Lasarte-Oria.
Artikulu hau egilearen baimenari esker ekarri dugu.

16 September 2024 - 10:30

On Saturday the Bertsolaris Championship of Gipuzkoa has begun, in the Labeaga room of the Gipuzkoan locality of Urretxu. The six protagonists of today’s edition have been the following:

  • Andoni Rekondo Izagirre
  • Ane Zuazubiskar Iñarra
  • Antton Aizpurua Aldape
  • Jon Gurrutxaga Urbieta
  • Mikel Iturriotz Etxaniz
  • Unai Mendizabal Jauregi

Once the punctuable works have been completed, Andoni Rekondo Izagirre has won the victory, with 496.5 points in his credit. Therefore, the Tolosa quarter-finals eliminatory will be broadcast live on 3 November. The session scores were as follows:

  • Andoni Rekondo Izagirre ------------------------------- 496.5
  • Unai Mendizabal Jauregi ----------------------- 489.5
  • Jon Gurrutxaga Urbieta ----------------------------------- 451.5
  • Mikel Iturriotz Etxaniz ------------------------------------- 450.5
  • Ane Zuazubiskar Iñarra -------------------------------- 444.5
  • Antton Aizpurua Aldape ---------------------------- 428.5

Ion Zaldua Brit.Han acted as the following judges: Bakarne Urreaga Etxeberria, Eneritz Azkue Basurko, Iñigo Legorburu Arrangi, Jon Diaz de Mendibil Sarasti and Zigor Leunda Eizmendi. As secretary-general, Aratz Irazustabarrena Garmendia.

You are interested in the channel: Gipuzkoako Bertsolari Txapelketa 2024
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