Ambulance workers have starred in a 24-hour camp at the Plaza de la Virgen Blanca in Vitoria-Gasteiz, and have mobilized on Tuesday at 12:30. The LAB trade union has pointed out that, despite the suspension of the contract and the change of company of the company La Pau, the problem is private management, since it considers that subcontracting "seriously" harms the service and supposes nothing but "precariousness for the workers and insufficient service for the citizens".
They have therefore called for the Basque Government to put an end to the privatisation of the ambulance service in the Basque Country.
Elizondoko osasun etxeko medikuaren bulegoan ez da medikurik izan gaur. Lehen eguna dute herrian sendagilerik gabe eta kezkatuta daude. Bizilagunak Baztango Osasun Plataforman batzartzen hasiak dira eta asteazkenetan protesta egiten dute kalean egoera salatzeko.
Lack of good doctors for a high middle grade policy. This policy has ensured that very few young people have reached the medical career and the MIR has further removed people from that career.
And there are few Basque doctors because the knowledge of Euskera in this profession... [+]
Osasun publiko eta kalitatezkoaren aldeko manifestazioak izango dira larunbat honetan. Eguerdiko 12:00etan Gasteizen eta Bilbon, eta 17:00etan Donostian.