Goiener announced the services it offers to create an energy community, explained the details of the cooperative they have created to support it, explained the projects being developed and how new projects can be created and told how the distribution of energy generated from Añargi will be.
As for the projects, the first will be the one to be carried out in the Ikastolas Confederation, as plates will be installed in the building. But plates can also be installed in privately owned housing, and Alkorta explained the steps to follow. First, a household feasibility study and a consumption study should be carried out. Then, the community strategy is to generate as much energy as possible, “to offer the community as much energy as possible.” The steps to be taken to become a partner were also reported and you can contact the community or the neighborhood association Añorga Txikitarrak for more details.
On the other hand, they recalled that they intend to distribute the energy they generate in Añargi in this way: 10% to deal with energy poverty, 30% to consumer partners, 30% to consumer partners who have contributed to the financing of the project and 30% to meet the co-operative costs. “Always to generate more and more projects, generate more energy and become more and more self-sufficient,” Alkorta stresses.
Laudion, Aiaran eta Okondon izango du eragina energia azpiegiturak eta plataformaren aburuz, proiektuak eta ingurumen-inpaktuaren azterketak gabezia garrantzitsuak dituzte.
"(The purpose of the Oion Plenary) is clear, to legitimize by law the energy megaprojects with significant irregularities in the processing"
Last Wednesday we had a hard and unpleasant day, not only for Labraza, but also for all the towns where we are threatened by a wind,... [+]