The PNV and the PSE of Amurrio have decided to abolish the position of Euskera technician of the town hall on the 27th. A sociocultural technician dedicates half of his day to themes related to Euskera, without being a Basque technician. The Basque Council of Aiaraldea has denounced the failure to comply with the Basque Municipal Plans: “Two years ago, the drafting of the new Euskera Plan required the hiring of a worker for six months that has not been followed up”
Given that Amurrio has over 10,000 inhabitants and the level of Euskaldunization, the Basque Government recommends having a department of Euskera of four workers. He has also denounced that the human resources offered for the normalization of the Basque country are not “sufficient”. He has therefore denounced it as an "attack on Euskera and normalisation". They add that the City Council decision opens the door to a "dangerous path".
In view of the situation, the Council has launched a number of initiatives. On the one hand, he has registered complaints in the Observatory of Linguistic Rights of the Basque Country and in the Department for the Protection of Linguistic Rights of the Basque Government (Elebide). On the other hand, they ask for an urgent meeting in the city hall, with the mayor (the nationalist Txerra Molinuevo) and with the Basque councilor.
Wave against the Basque Country
On the 13th, the council of Euskalgintza and dozens of mayors and mayors denounced the “reactionary wave and Euskarafoba” against Euskera. By the way, they rejected the judgment of the Spanish Constitutional Court against the Municipal Law of the Basque Country.
Euskalgintzaren Kontseiluak eta Bizkaiko Foru Aldundiko langileak elkarretaratzea egin dute langileen egonkortzearen eta euskalduntzearen alde.