As we listen to Afghanistan, from the armchair of our house, we are being muddled with the images that throw us out of juerga. The Taliban once again? How is it possible that he has returned to power so soon and, furthermore, that the Afghan army, which the United States has provided and prepared, has not been confronted at all?
Joe Biden's explanations are equally terrible to justify, according to the US Army, the return home improvised: “American troops should not be involved in a war in which the Afghan forces did not want to fight,” “our intention was not to build a democratic nation, but to fight terrorism.”
It is true that EBB entered Afghanistan with the intention of destroying the bases of Al Qaeda and other terrorist organisations. However, the EBB and the rest of the Western armies that joined it, the NGOs, etc., have not stood idly by over the past twenty years. In fact, there are many changes that the US invading forces and the new Afghan leaders experienced when entering Afghanistan and spying on the Taliban, particularly in comparison with the terror regime imposed by the Taliban. Yes, improvements, apart from the widespread corruption of the new Afghan authorities and opium, particularly as regards the situation of women.
They will tell us that the Afghan leaders imposed by the Americans were as miserable as cowards, that there was no real Afghan army, because most donations had drifted into the pockets of I do not know with whom, that there were no real intentions or desires on the part of the Afghans to combat the Taliban, fundamentally because they were against most of the innovations promoted by the Western powers for their religion and their customs. You'll tell us about geostrategy, who knows what China and Russia excuse.
However, does it not sufficiently remind us of what happened in Afghanistan over the last twenty years in Spain three centuries ago, that so soon after the fall of the Great Armée of Napoleon, the corrupt Bourbon (here is a pleonasm), as the reactionary Ancien Régime, an oscurist, happened the same thing?
Who knows, but, seeing Afghanistan from the armchair of his house, as not falling into the temptation to make such comparisons, that is, that the new empire that has sought to modernise, or at least stabilise, has ceded, as in 19th century Spain, in Afghanistan, in some way, even if it has been by force, has not been able to resist the harsh reality. So how can we not suspect that everything was decided beforehand, especially after Donald Trump knew he had been negotiating with the Taliban in the Katar capital? How not to suspect that the Taliban victory has been so quick and unexpected because of the surrender of the Americans for any potential or presumptive agreement between the two enemies. How can we not suspect that, after all, it has become an absolute failure of EBB; yes, as many have brought to Vietnam in recent days?
Unfortunately, I do not think they are the only ones who have surrendered, neither the United States nor all the other peoples who have gone with them to Afghanistan. I believe that all of us who are convinced that human rights are universal have inevitably ceded, albeit indirectly. We've guessed, perhaps for the umpteenth time, that in a gobbled world, the economy is the only thing that really is gobblal. It is all the worse when the main truly profitable economy is that of the black economy, such as, of course, the opium industry in Afghanistan, self-processing contracts or all kinds of fraud. However, universal human rights are those that appear not to be priorities for any power at the international level. That is why we are also prepared to give in to the black and black destiny of women in Afghanistan, because we know that there is no real globalisation if it is not that of capital, but everything else is local circumstances or exceptions. In other words, we have ceded to the Middle Ages in a country other than our own, accepting cuts in freedoms that we would never and would never accept in our people. We are therefore prepared, and always in obedience to the harsh reality, to give in to all the injustices that we see or feel through our screens, we do not care as in Afghanistan, where the fundamental rights of women correspond, or in the rest of the Islamic countries that have the Xaria law as their primary source. Yes, we have yielded to our ambition for universality, perhaps also because of the desperation to accept that Islam and democracy are in fact unitary. We have given in to the fact that the return to the Middle Ages of these peoples does not call into question our way of life, either because we were born there as a tragedy that is left to others, or because, perhaps, they are worthwhile for keeping their oppressive religions and customs at bay, perhaps for not jeopardizing the true essence of globalisation: the peace that is essential to doing business, the only Roman pax of our time.
So things, how can we not decide that we are mere hypocrites, those simple, bona fide citizens who are stirring up before all the monstrosities of the Afghan Taliban, those who are claiming that something needs to be done, especially in defence of women’s minimum rights, when we talk about the 2022 World Cup that will organise an Islamic state like Qatar next year? Why? Because Qatar is a country that also sees women as second-class citizens and has in recent years funded the Taliban, along with other peoples in the area, of course. But of course, we know that everything that has to do with the football business is too fat. We must not forget that the World Cup is also organized to see it from the chair.
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