In June, the so-called Amnesty Organic Law was adopted, with an ambitious subtitle: This measure was sold for the "institutional, political and social normalization" of Catalonia. In theory, it was about suppressing the "crimes" related to the procés of Catalonia and the referendum of October 1, 2017; in some way, eliminating those crimes.
The Amnesty Law, which entered into force on 10 June, has so far been applied to 154 persons, in all cases in the internal courts of Catalonia. Among the beneficiaries, the police predominates, since 61% of the "amnestied" people are agents of the National Police, Civil Guard or Mossos d'Esquadra. I mean, 95. They were mainly prosecuted for beating and assaulting on the day of the referendum, in which the National Court judged the Supreme Court.
Last week, 45 civil guards who worked violently on the day of the referendum were "amnestied" by the Civil Guard in Catalonia. In July, an amnesty for 46 policemen was also massively decreed, due to the beatings and assaults they suffered in Barcelona on 1 October 2017. The judge considered that agents should be discontinued because "the actions investigated had a reduced individual duration" and were "within a defined police objective", according to the judge. Four mossos were also previously amnestied in Barcelona, although among them they were charged with a crime of injury.
According to the estimates of the Attorney General’s Office, the Amnesty Act can be applied to a total of 486 persons. It shall apply to the 82 judicial proceedings in progress, including several courts: The Supreme Court, the Spanish National Court and various Courts of Catalonia. However, they have advanced that the Amnesty Law "does not collect" all the facts or "crimes" that are being investigated by the National Police.
“Askatasunaren” izenean, ikastetxean zein oinarrizko hizkuntza nahi duten galdetu diete guraso valentziarrei. Helburua katalana zokoratzea zen. PPren eta Voxen gobernuak ez du lortu. 33 eskualdeetatik 22tan katalana gailendu da. Emaitzarekin oso pozik agertu dira... [+]
Otzandu egin gara, katalanak eta euskaldunok, ekaitzaren ondoren. Saiatu ginen, bai; sendo ekin genion, eta gogor kolpatu gaituzte; ezin izan genien gure helburu zuzen, ezinbesteko, sakratuei eutsi. Eta porrotaren mingostasuna dastatu dugu, eta bigundu egin gara irabazleen... [+]
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In 2011, the powerful 15-M movement broke out, which put the Catalan Govern in a hurry. Among other things, on that occasion the Police ran into the indignant camp of the Plaza Cataluña de Barcelona and besieged the Parlament on the day that the activists had to approve the... [+]