The account has already started back on the internet and this week they have the last chance to donate to citizens or agents interested in making their contribution via this route
The Amillubi group expressed its "very satisfied" with the support of the project "both by the citizens and the agents involved". They report that the money raised will serve to make the first payments in the acquisition of the Amilibia farmhouse and its land, and that it has given them "a little breathing" to reach the total amount they must obtain. In total, they need 390,000 euros to buy and fix the dwelling. (This article explains in detail the project)
Several sources are working to add this total amount (municipalities, companies, agents, citizenship) and the Internet campaign was an initial challenge of €150,000. Will it be achieved? From the Amillubi Working Group the last call is made, "to whom until now he has not been able to do his bit so that, by making his contribution, he is encouraged to support the project".
In December the contract of sale was signed between the Biolur association and the owners of the dwelling. The Amillubi brigade has already started working on the land of the farmhouse. The first thing they have done is to collectively respond to a need perceived by the gardeners of the Biolur association: in the face of their difficulties in finding an ecological plant, they have planted 150,000 seeds of leeks in Amillubi lands. "Everything is going well, the gardeners will have at their disposal an organic production leek plant and it is planned to be put on sale for the small gardeners in the area," said the Amillubi team.
For the future, it is planned to continue seed planting: the next few weeks are preparing land for the planting of beans and maize, and for the autumn the loaves of Biolur also intend to sow wheat. The working group has pointed out that "there is a desire to continue socializing seeds sown in Amillube" and for this purpose they plan to make open auzolans. "The best harvest of this agroecological movement would be for the population to have food and land guaranteed by farmers."
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