After the signing of the contract for the purchase of the farmhouse and land, the works have begun in three directions in the Amillubi project.
On the one hand, the repair and construction of infrastructure for the implementation of spaces has been carried out. In this sense, works have been carried out such as the maintenance of the herbs of the farmhouse, the conditioning of the shelter to be a meeting point, the emptying of the space destined for the warehouse, repairs, the assembly of the water system, the installation of the toilet, the reform of the electricity system, the implementation of the plant purification system for the management of dirty water…
On the other hand, they have started working in the field and, as they have explained, the money they obtain from the production will be used for the purchase of farmland and land. These are the land works they have carried out: they have prepared a nursery for the elaboration of organic leek plants, with the aim of making 120,000 ecological plants in which the highest percentage are sold to producers who have orchard. They have also planted corn and beans (5,000 square meters) and short beans (800 square meters). Part of this production will go to the Aleka association, which works and sells organic seeds from the Basque Country, and the other part will be marketed in consumer associations.
Thirdly, several training and awareness-raising sessions have been held in Amillubi. One of them was the women’s machinery course* jointly taught by Biolur and the Bionekazaritza association. Another of the activities they have carried out has been the III Biolur Horticulture Competition. It has been a forum in which the onion and leek have been made known.
Also in the long term, they intend to respond to the needs of the primary sector with the projects they are going to implement. They plan to hold a meeting every autumn to reflect on the Amillubi project and to draw up the future lines and this year, the meeting is scheduled for 22-23 November. The lines of work that have already been laid down are as follows: to ensure that producers maintain the land in proper conditions; to create decent working conditions for farmers collectively; to serve as a testing ground for those who want to start work; to set in motion a test space for agro-ecological cultivation; to create a processing space; to serve as a space for storing the equipment that is shared; to create a food supply unit.
As seen in the projects it has launched, the Amillubi project has begun to collectively build the path of food sovereignty. Citizens and collectives who want to promote it have several avenues open: through financial contributions (in this account of Biolur ES37 1550 0001 2400 1666 3726); participating in the volunteer network, for example, writing to auzolanes or sharing their knowledge or by calling 943 76 14 47; or organizing a talk to raise awareness of the Amillubi project in their locality (contact).
Euskal Herriko bi muturretatik datoz Itziar (Bilbo, 1982) eta Ekaitz (Erriberri, 2002), sortzen ari den Burujabetzaren Aldeko Mugimenduaren berri ematera. Euskal Herrian diren burujabetza prozesu ugariak arloz arlo bultzatu eta indartu nahi ditu BAMek. Lan horretan hasteko,... [+]
Emakume bakoitzaren errelatotik abiatuta, lurrari eta elikadurari buruzko jakituria kolektibizatu eta sukaldeko iruditegia irauli nahi ditu Ziminttere proiektuak, mahai baten bueltan, sukaldean bertan eta elikagaiak eskutan darabiltzaten bitartean.