This is one of the typical Amazon Arckets. In Hego Euskal Herria, we've seen yellow and blue. Some are called a hub and others locker, there will be some nuance running, but they are presented in Spanish with an empty message:
They are for those who have domestic pick-up schedule problems, you can specify a type of locker or pick-up point, and when Amazon leaves your order on it, because it goes with a code to the pickup store, puts the code into the machine and the corresponding pickup will open.
Now that someone has manipulated, besides being reminded of the damage Amazon causes to local trade. We can tell you social hacking or troll.
2021etik 2025era isuriak %15ean murriztu behar zituen industriak. Ursula Von Der Leyenek automobilgintzaren sektorearen eskutik ekintza plan bat aurkeztuko du martxoaren 5ean. Oraindik erabakia hartua ez badago ere, Europar Batasunak sektorearen eskaerak onartuko dituela diote... [+]
The devastating characteristics of today ' s global world, wars, ecological and social injustices herald an apocalyptic representation of the future anywhere on the planet. Echoes of the nuclear threat further dispel the concern of fear and concern, while politicians... [+]
The effective tax rate that Amazon paid in the last decade was 13 percent. By 2020, the 55 largest companies in the United States did not pay taxes. The effective rate on the profit of companies that in the Spanish state invoiced more than one billion euros was 4.57% in 2019... [+]