In fact, you can't send a book home without paying shipping fees, but what does Amazon do? Charges EUR 0.1 for skipping the rules. Small bookshops cannot do that, they have to charge between EUR 6 and 7 for shipping, so as not to make economic holes. We are increasingly selling and buying more online – 20% of the books sold in the French state in 2019 were sold online – and the pandemic and confinement have affected this new law.
Considering that small bookstores with large platforms are unprotected and that large ones make “unfair competition”, by 2022 they will set the minimum amount to be required for each shipment of books.
The unofficial Catalan protocol of demonstrations says that the parade must end as close as possible to the building in which the decision is made on something you are asking for. That is why, normally, demonstrations always end before the city council, before the Generalitat,... [+]
Danele Sarriugarte idazleak euskaratutako David Thoreauren Walden liburuak jaso du Nafarroako Liburu Denden Elkartearen euskarazko libururik onenaren saria.
Nerabe garaiko irakurketa ia erabat ahaztuta, Irungo karrika nagusiko 16.enean eskuratu nuen Irene Aldasororen itzulpen bikaina den Gailur ekaiztsuak. Bereziki inspiratuta ez nengoen egun batean izan zen, zerbait nahi baina zehazki zer nahi duzun ez dakizun egun horietako... [+]