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Amazon Trapagaran workers denounce the multinational for violating the right to strike

  • Amazon workers in the Tragpagan Valley have denounced that they have called “threatening” the eventual days of strike. They also accuse the company of offering “extra hours” for days on strike.
Argazkia: LAB Sindikatua

28 December 2023 - 09:12

Workers of the Amazon company of Trapagaran (Bizkaia) concentrated on Wednesday in Bilbao to denounce that the multinational "violates" the right to strike of the workers of the centre of Bizkaia. They indicate that potential staff have received calls and messages in “threatening tone” to go to work on the strike days of 17 and 18 December. In addition, the company has been charged with offering “extra hours” for January 3.4 and 5. These days the unions ELA and LAB have called for new days of strike.

The multinational has not been able to carry out production during those days of strike, despite the support of the temporary agency Manpower. This is communicated by the trade union representatives at the meeting. Amazon hires Manpower services to fill vacancies for employees who have participated in strikes.

More protests in January

The trade unions accuse the hiring company of sending “threatening” messages and emails from WhatsApp to the workers, who warned the workers that if the days of strike were not to come, a penalty procedure would apply as in any absence. ELA and LAB indicate they will call more stops for January 3, 4 and 5.

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