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Plenary unanimously agreed that the implementation of Amazon in Oiartzun is not "convenient"

  • The two municipal groups have supported the motion tabled by several Ertzaintza and Municipal Police officers. The project has been rigorously analysed and committed to boosting the local economy.

29 January 2021 - 12:52
Protestak egin dituzte herritarrez Amazonen etorreraren aurka. Argazkia: Bidasoako Hitza

In recent weeks, along with COVID-19, the implementation of the Amazon logistics center has been one of the central issues that has been discussed in Oiartzun. The topic came to the plenary on Wednesday, with a motion on giant logistics by a group of local and regional agents.

The motion calls for Amazon to harm local trade in the locality and the region and for it to put employment in a situation of uncertainty. The example of France was set out: “According to some sources, it is estimated that for every job Amazon generates in France, 2.2 jobs are destroyed.”

Reference was also made to the environmental damage data: In 2019, it emitted 51 million tons of CO2. “Distribution vehicles circulate at half-load to meet delivery times, resulting in a significant carbon footprint,” the motion adds.

They denounced that they pay "less taxes than they should" and that they do "unfair competition." In addition, Amazon’s vans could generate more traffic congestion.

They have framed it within personal choices of buying or not buying Amazon and have asked municipalities to collaborate with local trade and launch awareness campaigns.

Three requests were submitted to the City Hall to take care of it:

  • For all these reasons, note that it is not convenient to locate the Amazon distribution center in Oiartzun.
  • Commit to a comprehensive analysis of the project and project submitted by Amazon to carry out the activity.
  • Commitment to continue to support and strengthen small trade because it coincides with the aim of the motion.

[Clicking here you can read the full motion]

The municipal government, “working”

Amazon's arrival was contextualized by Mayor Lieutenant Eneritz Arbelaitz. He explained that "it's no coincidence" for Amazon to come to Oiartzun, as it is located between Irun and Donostia-San Sebastián.

He recalled that five years ago a trade stimulus plan was put in place, both with traders and with the general public. According to Arbelaitz, small traders add value to the city. “It fosters relationships, it gives life to the people and neighborhoods, the chain between producers and buyers is as short as possible…”, he added.

Arbelaitz said that in recent years efforts have been made not to install large surface posts and that they have been paralyzed in some cases (in the case of Ramón Vizcaíno or Bidebitarte). The Municipal Police of Donostia-San Sebastian maintains a dispute with another multinational, understanding that the arguments of the City Hall were not adjusted.

For his part, the mayor, Jexux Leonet, said that the City Hall is living it “with great concern”. They have met with the merchant associations to publicise the conditions put in place by the municipality. “They must comply with all the regulations and agree with the overall plan, and we will make our decisions on legal grounds,” Leonet said.

She said that Amazon’s processing is proceeding and that every effort is being made by municipal competencies to prevent its implementation. “We want a country model based on citizen relations. Small commerce, street life and neighborhood life are needed, and the Amazon model is against that. Move away from citizenship.”

The PNV, according to the motion

The PNV spokesman Janire Mitxelena then explained the position of her group in the debate. The municipal government team, in preparing the 2021 budgets, decided to include a proposal from the PNV on small trade.

“If trade is small it is one of our concerns and one of the proposals has been reflected in the budgets. It does that. Having said that, acting consistently, we will support the motion,” Mitxelena explained.

The motion was therefore unanimously supported.

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