The bodies of a 7-year-old boy and his father were found on Tuesday in Urbasa, Navarra. They had disappeared since Friday, and since Monday the mother of the child filed her complaint, they were looking for them. A helicopter from the Civil Guard search team finds the corpses in the Urbasa area.
The results of the autopsy reveal that the father jumped into the void grabbing his son. The parents of the child were separated and the hypothesis of vicarious violence has gained strength, that is, his father killed the child to harm his mother. However, the vice-president of Navarra, Félix Taberna, recommends waiting for the investigation to continue.
As soon as they are found, the bodies are taken to autopsies at the Navarro Institute of Legal Medicine. The results indicate that they have ruled out drowning of the child and found no remnants of toxic substances in the bodies. It has also been found that the body of the child had less injuries, considering that the corpses presented injuries falling from a height of about 200 meters. Consequently, the father may have relieved the fall of the child by grabbing his body.
Hypothesis of vicarious violence
In view of the results, the theory of vicarious violence has gained strength. This violence consists in the use of children to attack women. In addition, according to experts, children suffer from side effects and are direct victims of violence suffered by their mothers. However, the research sources have pointed out to Berria that it is still “too early” to conclude the theory of vicarious violence, for which the father’s motivation must be demonstrated.
Protection of family members
Estella City Hall has expressed its “support and solidarity” to the relatives and relatives of the deceased, as well as to the educational community. Yesterday at 13:00 a concentration was held in front of the city hall, in which members of the municipal council and local neighbors participated. On the other hand, today at 20:00 the feminist movement of Estella convenes a concentration in the plaza de Coronación.
The Government of Navarra reports that it is providing psychological support to the family of the child. The child was a student of Estella's ikastola.
Txosnen eledun Eider Castañedaren hitzetan, Marta Ruiz de Alda alkate erregionalistak "autogestioarekin, jai herrikoiekin, euskararekin, feminismoarekin zerikusia duen espazio oro debekatu nahi du".